VIN Explanation |
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is located on the left A-pillar inside the windshield opening. Additional locations include: the top of the front passenger side frame rail, the top of the rear passenger side lower frame rail, the right side of the block (near the transmission bell housing), and the drivers side of the transmission tailshaft housing. The VIN consists of 17 characters in a combination of letters and numbers that provide specific information about the vehicle.
To protect the consumer from theft and possible fraud the manufacturer is required to include a Check Digit at the ninth position of the Vehicle Identification Number. The check digit is used by the manufacturer and government agencies to verify the authenticity of the vehicle and official documentation. The formula to use the check digit is not released to the general public.
All communications or inquiries regarding the vehicle should include the month-day-hour (MDH) and the vehicle identification number. The MDH is located on a label attached to the drivers side door, just below the latch mechanism.
Digit Position |
Interpretation |
Code - Description |
1 |
Country of Origin |
1 - United States |
2 |
Make |
B - Dodge
C - Chrysler |
3 |
Vehicle Type |
3 - Passenger Car |
4 |
Pass. Safety |
A - Active Belts (ASP); Front Air Bags (OSP); Without Side Inflatable Restraints
B - Manual seat belts ('92-'96 RT/10)
C - Manual
D - Active Belts; w/o Air Bags
E - active driver and passenger air bags ('96-'02)
J - Restraint system air bsgs front next generation multistage ('03-current) |
5 |
Car Line |
D - Viper
R - Viper
Z - Viper |
6 |
Series |
6 - Performance/Image
C - Export (only thing I can find that is in common)
E - Gen V (only thing I can find that is in common) |
7 |
Body Style |
5 - 2 Door Convertible
9 - 2-Door Specialty Coupe - Body Style - 29
A - 2 Door Coupe (SRT)
B - 2 Door Coupe (GTS)
C - 2 Door Coupe (ACR)
D - 2 Door Coupe (GTC)
E - 2-Door Convertible
J - 2-Door Specialty Coupe |
8 |
Engine |
E - 8.0 Liter V-10 ('92-'02) Z - 8.3 Liter V-10 ('03-current) |
9 |
Check Digit |
(0 through 9 or X) |
10 |
Model Year |
N - 1992 P - 1993 R - 1994 S - 1995 T - 1996 V - 1997 W - 1998 X - 1999 Y - 2000 1 - 2001 2 - 2002 3 - 2003 4 - 2004 5 - 2005 6 - 2006 8 - 2008 9 - 2009 A - 2010
D - 2013
E - 2014
F - 2015
G - 2016
H - 2017 |
11 |
Assembly Plant |
V - New Mack Avenue Assembly Plant, (Mack Ave.,'92-'95 RT/10) V - Conner Avenue Assembly Plant, (CAAP, '96-current) |
12-17 |
Sequence Number |
Six digit number assigned by the assembly plant |
